Shipping Facts
garlic shipment FER-1886 Pobblebonk, Australia to Feral Trade, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
30 garlic at $15 AUD a wild guess arrangement with farmer who was inclined to haggle in the wrong direction £8£0.27
winter planted garlic harvest from the veggie patch of judi walter, nestled beneath the razorback ridge of victoria's cathedral range. farmed off grid and never watered because of the time of year they're grown, a leading attribute in drought periled australia. imported to UK under the From all other non-EU countries 2kg of fruit and vegetable DEFRA personal use allowance.
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
garlic shipment FER-1886 Pobblebonk, Australia to Feral Trade, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
30 garlic at $15 AUD a wild guess arrangement with farmer who was inclined to haggle in the wrong direction £8£0.27
winter planted garlic harvest from the veggie patch of judi walter, nestled beneath the razorback ridge of victoria's cathedral range. farmed off grid and never watered because of the time of year they're grown, a leading attribute in drought periled australia. imported to UK under the From all other non-EU countries 2kg of fruit and vegetable DEFRA personal use allowance.
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
garlic shipment FER-1886 Pobblebonk, Australia to Feral Trade, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
30 garlic at $15 AUD a wild guess arrangement with farmer who was inclined to haggle in the wrong direction £8£0.27
winter planted garlic harvest from the veggie patch of judi walter, nestled beneath the razorback ridge of victoria's cathedral range. farmed off grid and never watered because of the time of year they're grown, a leading attribute in drought periled australia. imported to UK under the From all other non-EU countries 2kg of fruit and vegetable DEFRA personal use allowance.
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003
Shipping Facts
garlic shipment FER-1886 Pobblebonk, Australia to Feral Trade, UK
import costs: purchase & freightgross
30 garlic at $15 AUD a wild guess arrangement with farmer who was inclined to haggle in the wrong direction £8£0.27
winter planted garlic harvest from the veggie patch of judi walter, nestled beneath the razorback ridge of victoria's cathedral range. farmed off grid and never watered because of the time of year they're grown, a leading attribute in drought periled australia. imported to UK under the From all other non-EU countries 2kg of fruit and vegetable DEFRA personal use allowance.
Feral Trade (Import-Export) is a grocery business trading over social networks. Feral Trade runs freight using the spare baggage space of friends, colleagues and passing acquaintances; for product requests or courier offers contact
feral trade since 2003